Ngā Wāhi Hapori

Te Whanganui-a-Tara

Ngā Wāhi Hapori

Te Whanganui-a-Tara

Pacific Health Plus - Kapiti
9 Milne Drive
(04) 777-0050
0800 747 587 (PHPLUS)
Pacific Health Plus - Porirua
4 Bedford Court
(04) 890-3620
0800 747 587 (PHPLUS)
Burnett Foundation (NZ Aids Foundation)
Level 1, 187 Willis Street
Wellington 6011



Pacific Health Service, Lower Hutt
1 Hewer Cres
Lower Hutt
0800 747 213

Please get in touch with our outreach nursing team to arrange Hep C testing and treatment support. We are open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Man holding up one finger

Tere ana, māmā ana, matatapu ana hoki te whakamātautanga.

He māmā te whakamātautau. Mā te whakamātautau e paku okaina noatia ai tō matikara, ka kite koe i te whakaraerae rānei ōu ki te atekakā C - ā, ka mōhio koe ki ngā hua i mua i te paunga o ngā meneti 10. Ka mutu, ahakoa te wāhi kua kōwhiria hei wāhi e whakamātauria ai koe, 100% te kaha o te noho matatapu, ā, kāore he uiui e rere.